Value Acceleration

Clear Skye IGA + ServiceNow Integrated Risk Management

Increase platform ROI and maximize value with a combined solution

  • Improve overall risk posture
  • Secure identities and access
  • Enhance regulatory compliance initiatives
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clear skye risk managementclear skye risk management

Enhance ServiceNow IRM with automated identity security indicators

Risk Management

» Detect and manage unusual or risky access permissions
Remediate access and track exceptions to mitigate risk

» Identify bad identity processes
See terminated users with active accounts and places with incomplete access review strategies

» Flag toxic access combinations
Utilize automated indicators to identify toxic access

Regulatory Compliance

» Track compliance in real time 
Tie controls to automated indicators around access permissions and approvals

» Speed PCI DSS, GDPR, and SOX identity reporting 
Provide processes for controlling permissions to data and certify that access meets regulatory requirements quickly and easily

» Proactively manage compliance
Enable holistic approach to identity-related compliance and issue resolution with complimentary solutions

Webinar: Solving Access Control Compliance

Partnering with Clear Skye, IRM Authority offers ServiceNow IRM customers unique capabilities to enhance their risk management and regulatory compliance initiatives.

Identity on the Platform Accelerates Value 

Clear Skye is an identity security and governance solution built natively on the ServiceNow platform. We reimagine enterprise identity access and risk management by enabling organizations to use a familiar interface, provide deeper identity control and insight, and build a bridge between the business and IT.

By reducing silos between functional areas like GRC, SecOps, HR, and IT, Clear Skye reduces friction, increases efficiency, and accelerates time-to-value.
clear skye risk management
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